Conference Craft recently organised a major event in the aviation industry: Aviation Carbon 2022.
Aviation Carbon 2022 was a three-day summit held from 17-19 October at the Heathrow Marriott. This was the 10th anniversary event of Aviation Carbon, which is the only international conference that brings together the aviation and carbon markets. A total of 114 airlines and aircraft operators attended the event.
Conference Craft provided a backdrop PA and big screen. It was an interactive event and required a robust audio system and lots of microphones. Aviation Carbon was also a hybrid event, with people participating through Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
All in all, it was a successful event!
Conference Craft received some kind words from one of the speakers: ‘Presenting in front of a crowd of experts at a conference was a first for me, but any nerves about the success of our presentation were dispelled by the clear instructions and structure you both provided. A special word of thanks also to the technical teams who, not only ensured light, sound etc. worked to perfection, but were also exceedingly kind and considerate.’
If you would like to learn more about our live and hybrid events, please click here.